Mocking food Instagrammers (me) in a Dali-esque photo display

A Tad Seaborn Creation

Notice the weird hobo doll passed out on the floor.

I am away for the weekend, and in what I can only imagine is a loving mockery of me— my photographer husband created this meal and posted it on Facebook.  FYI–it may also be mocking you if you post your meals on Instagram.  (Hey-I’m not taking the full brunt of this….. )   CLICK on the photo to see it bigger…’s cool.

I love the fish in the water glass!

DINNER por uno: a la pronto Tad:
Signature Cocktail:  Home carbonated soda, 15 year old blended Scotch, mayonnaise and a slice of smoked salmon.
Starter:  Celery and Ballpark mustard Gazpacho .
Protein:  Feline Soft seafood medley (the cheapest canned meat you can find in a grocery store.)
Vegetable: Ginger root.
Compliment: Half garlic Dill Pickle.
Side: Capered-Extra Smooth Peanut Butter.
Sauces: Teriyaki and honey mustard.
Desert: Sushi Herring Gelato.


Filed under Strange but Tasty, Uncategorized

8 responses to “Mocking food Instagrammers (me) in a Dali-esque photo display


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  2. Pam

    I love it. I also noticed the weird Hobo Doll when it was first posted on Facebook. 🙂

  3. Carol Ann Malone

    Love the display! Can’t vouch for the taste though.CarolAnn

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  4. msforks

    Sue,OMG this is amazing!!! LOL!!! J.

    Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 12:43:07 +0000 To:

  5. Wow. Definitely Dali’s dinner plate! I love it! Is that smoked salmon hanging off the drinking glass?

  6. Insane!!! Love it all. the million spoons are pretty awesome, too.
    This reminds me of my cat’s abstract dinner art.

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