Tag Archives: Instagram

I will surrender counter space for a Panini Press

Screen Shot 2013-08-29 at 11.45.48 PM

The Hamilton Beach Panini Press

It just hit me–I really would use a panini press!  I mean I would right?  I love grilled panini, when I’m out and about and hungry, what is a better crisp, oozy and portable meal that a panini?  You can easily sneak them into movies–or keep them in your purse in a pinch (just while you text or create genius Instagram photos).  Even Tim Horton’s can do a half-decent job (I discovered this after finding only chip and burger stands to eat from when driving around PEI).

So I’m wondering-anyone have one and use it?? Or perhaps you can tell me I’m disillusioned, it will have the same fate as my George Forman grill…which wait a second–couldn’t that press panini?   Excuse while I go dig around in my basement.

Meanwhile check out these “18 Surprising Things You Can Make in a Panini Press” from BuzzFeed.


Filed under Cheese/Cheese Related, Uncategorized

Mocking food Instagrammers (me) in a Dali-esque photo display

A Tad Seaborn Creation

Notice the weird hobo doll passed out on the floor.

I am away for the weekend, and in what I can only imagine is a loving mockery of me— my photographer husband created this meal and posted it on Facebook.  FYI–it may also be mocking you if you post your meals on Instagram.  (Hey-I’m not taking the full brunt of this….. )   CLICK on the photo to see it bigger…..it’s cool.

I love the fish in the water glass!

DINNER por uno: a la pronto Tad:
Signature Cocktail:  Home carbonated soda, 15 year old blended Scotch, mayonnaise and a slice of smoked salmon.
Starter:  Celery and Ballpark mustard Gazpacho .
Protein:  Feline Soft seafood medley (the cheapest canned meat you can find in a grocery store.)
Vegetable: Ginger root.
Compliment: Half garlic Dill Pickle.
Side: Capered-Extra Smooth Peanut Butter.
Sauces: Teriyaki and honey mustard.
Desert: Sushi Herring Gelato.


Filed under Strange but Tasty, Uncategorized